Recently I had a dream where a church service was occurring. The service had drawn to a close and the people were going about fellowshipping with one another when I called out that we had not ended the service in prayer.
Once I spoke that out I people giving me a not so nice stare but reluctantly they quieted down and bowed their heads. I said a strong closing prayer and as soon as I finished the people resumed their fellowship time with reckless abandonment. Then I heard another voice say, " there is to much Flesh in the Church."
I believe for the Church to take its place in authority and power that it must humble itself and let the nature of the flesh to be crucified. Instead of seeking God in prayer and fasting we rather have fellowship and feasting with the brethren.
How many times we see Jesus go off to spend time with the Father God on His own? To get what God wants to get over to His people will cost us something. The cross of Christ is the starting point. As we come through the cross we will eventually be lifted up to sit upon a throne of authority just like Jesus did. Are we not to be pursuing the Master's path so we can be like Him in all our ways?
Church let us humble ourselves under His mighty right hand and allow Him to take out our stony heart and give a heart of flesh full of compassion and grace to touch the world we live. For to die to ourselves is to live as only one can truly experience life as God intended. Let your flesh nature die so resurrection power can be demonstrated.
So true!