Monday, December 28, 2009

Are you ready to face the Judgement?

Over this past year I have been drawn to read Psalm 1 over and over.  As I have studied and thought over what the Lord is saying through this passage I have begun to realize the importance of grounding one's self in God's word.  The Bible states that the man who stays on God's word is one who is like a tree that has his roots down deep into the ground.  By having those roots deep down when the storms of life come it is very difficult for that tree to be knocked over.  The Bible also states that the man who stands on God's word and does not move off of it will be one who will be very careful in whom he keeps company with.

Later in that same passage the Bible states that the ungodly are not like this.  They don't keep watch over whom they surround themselves with and they are compared to the chaff that the wind blows away after the harvest of grain.  Psalm 1 talks about judgement.  The same judgement is coming to all people.  For the glory of God judges everyone on a equal plane.  The difference is whether you have your feet on the Rock or not.  Church examine yourself.  Are you keeping good company as stated in Psalm 1.  Are you grounding yourself in God's word that when the winds of judgement come you will be able to stand and hear God say, "Well, done good and faithful servant."  Or will you be blown away by the wind of judgement and be put into the place of outer darkness?  The choice is yours. 

Sunday, December 27, 2009

What does the Year 2010 hold?

As I have been praying and thinking over what the year ahead holds I can't help but think back to a word that God gave me at the end of 2008.  God spoke that 2009 would be the greatest year for the church of Hanfield.  The question I have is has it been so?  I believe in many ways the church at Hanfield has come to a crossroads that will propel us forward into something bigger and better than what we could all expect. What does this mean?  As we go forward into the new year I sense that God is about to bring revival to the young people in the church.  I sense a fire is about to descend in their midst and God is about to promote them into a position that will challenge the way church is done.  I believe our worship will change because of how the young people want to worship.  The people of God have been to reserved and afraid to break out of their comfort zones.  Fear has held us back from launching out in faith.  If the adults do not hold back what God is wanting to do through our young people we will see somethings in the next year as God completes a cycle in our development. 

People of God the time is now for us to march forward and to advance the kingdom of heaven on the earth.  Revival is coming, but it may not come as you expect it to.  For the same glory that we rejoice in is the same fire that burns those who are separated from God in eternity.  It is time for us to seek the Lord and to obey His voice.  The hour of judgment is now upon us.  Have your heart right as the Lord examines your house.  Great things await us if we stay faithful to His direction and leading in the year to come.