Friday, January 5, 2018

Is Love a Weapon?

When one thinks of love in general one does not really think about the power it truly possesses to change the lives of people.  When I think of weapons I think of things like guns, or missiles, or cannons.  Thinks that can destroy or move an object out of my way.  But when one thinks about the Love of God and the power it possesses one begins to realize that it is the most powerful force in the universe when it is operating within the faith of God.  Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians 13:13 faith hope and love abide but the greatest of these is love.  The Bible also declares that God is love.  Christ spoke of the love of the Father God between Him and Christ and prayed in John 17 that the love they have for one another would be manifested in the life of the Church among believers.

If we as Christ followers could truly tap into the love of God the way Jesus did we would be able to change entire cultures and atmospheres  because the love of God brings the manifest presence of the Lord unto the seen.  The Bible also teaches us if we hate our brother but say we love God we are a liar and the truth is not in us.  As we learn to pray for those who misuse use and who brings us harm we are manifesting forgiveness which is tied back to love.  For Christ and the Father God want us to show this love to the world at large.  If we are able to do just that we will change the world, because the most basic need of humans is to be loved by someone. God created that need within us so that we would seek Him out.  As we give of ourselves to others we are motivated to do so by love.  Love is a weapon that some may call a weak approach, but in reality it is the force that when used in the context God calls us to walk in that has and will continue to revolutionize mankind and bring the kingdom of Heaven to earth.  Who will want to join me in this?

Monday, January 1, 2018

The Kingdom of Heaven. What is it?

If you read through the Bible you see the phrase " The kingdom of Heaven is near or is upon you", what does that really mean.  For the past year the Lord has been teaching me about the Kingdom of Heaven and I am not saying that I fully understand everything about it what I do know I would like to  now share. 

Most people believe that we as believers are looking to make our way to heaven and that once we get saved and give our lives over to Christ that we must hold on and wait for Christ return or our passing from this life into the next.  Along the way we are suppose to help others find Christ but basically our mindset as believers has been one of holding the fort.   This is not the Kingdom of Heaven!  The Kingdom of Heaven is summed up in the Lord's prayer, " Our Father who  are in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven..."  Does Christ suffer sickness, fear, depression etc., in heaven?  No.  Christ has called us to be ambassadors of heaven to bring the atmosphere of heaven to earth.  He has called us to represent Him where ever we go. We are called to engage this world systems and to make it like Heaven.  After all, the Garden of Eden was like Heaven on earth before the fall.  Now if that was God the Father's originally plan for the earth than what we are called to help bring about is the reestablishment of this planet.  

That means we as believers need to bring heaven into our workplaces, into our homes, into government, educational systems, media and business.  We are called to be salt and light.  Is salt and light needed in heaven?  No these things are needed where things may be rotting and where darkness dwells.  God has called us to be Kings and Priests unto Him.  We as Kings exercise authority to make changes in the place that He has called us to dominate.  We are priests because we change the spiritual atmosphere where we are at by our worship to God. 

Church are you ready to renew your mindset and begin to think Kingdom?  I challenge you to pursue this.  If you do, it will change the way you see things and will help you realize the potential that God has given unto you.