Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Exalting Jesus

 In the Christian world I have seen and noticed a trend where we like to exalt the gift that God has given over the one who has given it.  What do I mean by this?  How many times have you heard or seen people exalting preachers that they enjoy following over the Lord himself?  

I have fallen into that trap as well, especially in my early days of my faith walk.  Rod Parsley was the preacher that I wanted to be like and though I see nothing wrong with following a man or woman of faith when you place them upon a pedestal you are only setting yourself up for a potential fall.  For in a sense Rod Parsley became an idol to me. 

As I grew in my faith the Lord began to deal with me about making Him the center of all I do and say.  I still enjoy the minister gifts that God has placed in the body of Christ that I now listen to, but I don't emphasis them as my source of my faith and belief.  I choose to exalt Jesus Christ and God the Father and welcome the Holy Spirit to lead and order my steps on a daily basis.  

If you recognize that this something you need to change I encourage you to humble yourself before the Lord and allow Him to become the center of your faith.  Stay in the Bible and let the Holy Spirit direct your steps.  For the goal is to more like Jesus. And as you submit unto Him the more He will become a part of you.  And that will bring God glory.  

Here is a song by a friend and fellow believer that sums up what I have spoken about.  The link is

Monday, January 23, 2023

The Fear of God

 In the world today there is many who don't fear who the God of the Bible is.  Because of that lack of respect for Him we see it trickle down into all aspects of society.  How many times have you seen individuals disrespect their boss, a co-worker or someone that is serving them by either insulting them or by acting as if they don't matter.  

The reason we are seeing this is because the Church has become to friendly with the world and doesn't want to confront them with the gospel of Christ but instead wants to be wishy washy and not cause those who are outside the flock to be offended.  

The Church needs to repent, pick up it's cross and begin to decree whom are God is.  He is a God of holiness, a God of righteousness and a God of truth. 

What the Church has done is promote love as all inclusive but does not true love not require boundaries?  When one is rebellious isn't discipline required?  Love requires it as a parent teaches a child what is right and wrong.  The same applies here to those who the Church is attempting to win. We must show and uphold the standard the Father God requires.  If we don't than we misrepresent the Father God to the world and the fear ,or respect He deserves is not given.  

Church it is time to humble ourselves and to declare who are Father God is in His fullness so that the truth of who He is can set the world free.  Will you join in this endeavor?