Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where is the Power in Your Life?

I was pondering the story in the Bible where the disciples of Jesus were having a hard time driving out a devil. Finally Jesus arrived and drove the devil out of the person. The disciples asked the Master why they were unable to do so. Jesus said they could not do it because this kind only comes out with with prayer and fasting. Church have you hit a spot in your life where you feel that you can't seem to be able to get through to your "breakthrough?" Maybe you need to look to take a look at fasting and prayer.

I truly believe that the Church of Jesus Christ can experience a dimension of God's power if we will commit to doing this. The Lord has led me into this years ago and I have seen more answers and more power in my prayers because of this discipline. Why is it that the Church doesn't speak about this discipline? I tend to believe it is because fasting makes us uncomfortable. It is something that we don't want to do because it cost our "flesh" something. We have become to lax in our faith. Jesus said the the violent in faith will be the ones who overcome. Our you willing to take a step and break off the spirit of organized "religion" and entered into a place of personal fellowship with the One who created us? I challenge you to seek God's face and to dig deep and fast before the Lord as you pray at least one day a week. I believe you will find a deeper intimacy with God that will help you hear His voice more clearly. Don't put this off. Do it today.