Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Whatever Happened to Sunday School?

 When I was growing up the churches I attended all had Sunday School classes for all age groups to learn the lessons of the Bible.  In fact when I was in seventh grade by own father was my Sunday School teacher. But when the 1990's came about Sunday School started to disappear.  The Church of Jesus Christ got away from the foundation of truth based on the written Word of God and got caught up into what is commonly known as the "seeker-sensitive movement".

During this time many a church got away from teaching the pure Word of the Lord and instead of using it as a hammer and chisel to convict hearts and bring change to those who would embrace it went in the direction of watering down the Word of God by making Jesus everyone's friend.  

As a result of this the Church lost its saltiness and it's message became ineffective in helping change the culture it was called to affect per the head of the Church Jesus Christ. 

I tend to believe that the gender confusion and other moral issues we are seeing manifesting in this nation is a result of the seeker-sensitive movement that emasculated the Church and left her without the voice of reason, hope, faith and truth that she needs to carry. 

Are we without hope because of what unfolded over the years?  I don't believe so.  For even now we are seeing a reversal occurring.  I believe that people are hungry for the Word of the Lord and that God is raising up a remnant who will not compromise the truth it proclaims. If our pulpits will recover this fire reformation and revival will be the result.  Will you join me in standing up for the Cross of Christ and proclaiming it's truth no matter what the cost?  For the time is now and eternity for many hangs in the balance.  For there is Life in God's Word!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Too much Flesh in the Church?

 Recently I had a dream where a church service was occurring. The service had drawn to a close and the people were going about fellowshipping with one another when I called out that we had not ended the service in prayer.

Once I spoke that out I people giving me a not so nice stare but reluctantly they quieted down and bowed their heads.  I said a strong closing prayer and as soon as I finished the people resumed their fellowship time with reckless abandonment.  Then I heard another voice say, " there is to much Flesh in the Church."

I believe for the Church to take its place in authority and power that it must humble itself and let the nature of the flesh to be crucified.  Instead of seeking God in prayer and fasting we rather have fellowship and feasting with the brethren.  

How many times we see Jesus go off to spend time with the Father God on His own?  To get what God wants to get over to His people will cost us something.  The cross of Christ is the starting point.  As we come through the cross we will eventually be lifted up to sit upon a throne of authority just like Jesus did.  Are we not to be pursuing the Master's path so we can be like Him in all our ways?  

Church let us humble ourselves under His mighty right hand and allow Him to take out our stony heart and give a heart of flesh full of compassion and grace to touch the world we live.  For to die to ourselves is to live as only one can truly experience life as God intended.  Let your flesh nature die so resurrection power can be demonstrated.