Sunday, February 12, 2023

Revival at Asbury . Is it of God?

 If you have heard the reports across social media a revival has broken out at Asbury College in Wilmore Kentucky.  From what has stated no one is leading the meetings but God Himself through the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

As this is happening word has spread and people across the country are heading there to participate in what God is doing.  I am grateful for this to occur but what does it say about the current status of the Church?

Should we not all be experiencing His manifest presence?  Why is that not the case.  Could it be that we have placed our agenda over His?  That we restrict His ability to move because we are on our own time table and not His?

I have been reading the newsletters that where produced by those who steward the Azusa street revival and in the testimonials that were given over and over it was God having His way in the meetings much like what is occurring at Asbury.  

I believe God is sending a message to His people in this hour.  Don't hold the reigns so tightly.  Allow Me my time and space to move.  For when He does ministry more can be in a short space of time then powerless rituals bound to religious traditions.

Have your way Lord! Come and refresh us again in Jesus name I ask it. Begin in me and may your fire ignite new passion for your glory among your people again. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Why is Praying so difficult?

 I have embraced prayer most of my Christian life but I believe the reason it is difficult for most to do is the discipline it requires from the individual.  The earth bound nature of man wants to do his own thing and prayer is something that requires that nature to be submissive to the new born again nature of the spirit of man, which takes place when one accepts Christ as their personal Savior.  

Much like daily exercise, one must work on developing the discipline to pray.  As one spends time doing so you are able to enjoy spending time seeking after God and the wells of revelation and understanding will begin to open up. For it will not be something that  feel obligated to do but it will become something you look forward to doing.  

My favorite time of day is the time I get to seek God in prayer.  In fact I am disappointed that it must end and I have other tasks that I must do.  The devil doesn't want you to pray because he is afraid of the relationship you are developing with God plus your prayers are targeting his kingdom and destroying that which he is hoping to accomplish. I believe that prayer also helps to bring boldness and confidence to the believer as they learn to trust God with that they are petitioning Him for.  

So don't let your old man nature and the devil steal from you the blessings of seeking God the Father in prayer.  Open your heart and just talk to Him as your best friend and as you do you will discover just how much He wants to hear from you and He will speak to you as well.  For prayer is a two way street.  And who doesn't want to spend time the all knowing, all powerful Creator of mankind.  For there is hope and life in His presence.  He is waiting.  Just step into that place where He is and your amazing journey will take you places you never thought possible. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Where is the Altar?

 When I was much younger I remember invitations given by ministers for people to come to the altar at the church I was attending asking for people to come meet Christ for salvation or for a prayer need.  But as time has progressed I rarely see or hear that invitation given.  Why?  

I believe that seeker friendly approach has much to do with it.  As ministers embraced this anti- biblical approach it began a process of destroying a foundation that was necessary for helping people see their need for a Saviour from their sins.  For the seeker friendly approach wanted people to feel comfortable with the Church and instead of preaching holiness and the need for repentance it preached greasy grace. 

This caused the Church to lose it status in society as Salt and Light and made it irrelevant to society in general because by trying to fit in instead of pointing towards a different path to travel on the power and the glory left as God was not allowed to have His way in our services.  

We must have a return of the Altar in the Church so that the business of the Kingdom of God can be carried out as He intended.  The message of John the Baptist, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" needs to be our cry.  For as John prepared the world for Jesus's first coming so let us emphasis the message of the Altar as Christ readies Himself for His soon coming return.  Will you join me at the Altar?