Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Power of Love

In our world today many people believe that the most powerful nations are ones with nuclear weapons en massed.  Others believe that if you can defend oneself with various weapons of their choosing that they can intimated their enemies and keep them bringing them harm.  Some people believe that if they have unlimited resources they can effect change whenever they like at the nod of their head.  These things can and do have impact and can force others to make changes but when one truly examines this much more closely does it not appear that it is driven more on the basis of fear than anything else.

I believe that the truest and most powerful force in the universe is the Love of God.  Why do I believe this.  For one the Bible states that God is love(1 John 4:8).  When one thinks about what Christ has done for each one of us, how He died on the cross for our sins, sins that He himself do not commit, just how deep is that love?  It is truly unfathomable.  It is one thing for me to do good to my fellow man, who I have love and concern for, but to die for those who will hate you and spit in your face and never change their mind about you, that is real love.

I believe that we as the Church have trivialized this.  We have come to accept His love as if we deserve it, when in reality we don't.  However God wants to have relationship with each and everyone of us.  Thus His love never does end.  It is when we as His people exhibit that love to one another as Christ prayed for in John 17:23 that the world will know and see that God truly is among us.  When will we see the manifest glory of God?  When the love of the Father God follows out of us unto those He has commissioned us to reach out to.  I use to believe that the signs and wonders was what I truly wanted so I could demonstrate and prove the existence and the reality of the God of the Bible.   I have come to re think that position.  Now all I want is His love flowing into me so I can turn and give it out to those who need to know that love.  For as I pursue my future in God and leave behind some precious people the power of Love that God gave me has shown me just how much impact it can truly have on those who wanted to receive it.  And for that I am eternally grateful.


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